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Xero New Zealand

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Xero New Zealand Reviews

Based on 8 surveyed graduates working at Xero New Zealand. Read on to get an insider’s view on life as a graduate.
Based on 8 reviews

Pros & Cons

  • The work culture, freedom of working location, support, challenge and teams are just some of the awesome things about Xero!
  • The care and empathy that people show for each other. I am not scared to reach out for help or to let my managers know when I am dealing with something that is impacting my ability to work. When I need to work from other places, start later, or run out for an appointment late notice I am not worried about 'getting in trouble'.
  • Development and growth
  • We get to work with pretty cool technologies, and we are encouraged to create innovative solutions. The engineers that I work with are also very high performance engineers and they have high standards when it comes to the quality of work we do.
  • Mutual respect between employees - a very nice working culture. This is a very good place to learn.
  • Recent reset has left lingering tensions around the office
  • With all of the changes that are happening currently it is hard to feel grounded as there is always a team change etc. Along with all of these changes, the morales of the older staff are dropping and sometimes it can be hard to be around the negative energy.
  • The pay can fall behind the pay in similar roles in other companies at times
  • Salary
  • Restructuring

What Insiders Say

Career Prospects
Career Prospects
In my area there is no set way of being promoted, there is a lot of work being done around this so I'm hoping by the time I am ready to move up there will be a clearer way to do so. I am confident about moving out of my grad role though.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
The culture is very kind and accepting in and outside of the office. Everyone is welcome and people say hi in the elevators. It really does feel like no one is above working with someone else - even if they are multiple levels above them in the hierarchy, and the office spaces are built to be collaborative.
All walks of life are represented at Xero, and they do a great job of identifying when they need to do better. There are also many learning opportunities presented - just this week we celebrated Ada Lovelace day with a women and gender diverse panel where they were able to speak candidly about their experiences in the workforce and uni. They also took questions, which were all very respectful and were genuinely from a place of wanting to learn and support others. There is still some way to go to get that nice level playing field but Xero actively tries to do better every day.
My day to day responsibilities are conducted in the insights and analytics area, so I work with our product data to make sense of stakeholder requests, publish adhoc reports, create data models, and build self service dashboards. I also spend time on developing my soft skills by working with my people lead, and doing some self directed learning.
Managers are great and always approachable. In terms of mentoring, it's more just looking after us than anything else. Only have either weekly or monthly meetings to essentially catch up.
Office Work Environment
Office Work Environment
Xero's Wellington office is a beautiful, large space near the waterfront. The floor that I mainly work on is open plan with a big kitchen and eating area, comfy places to sit and desks that you can easily convert to standing with a button. It has a gym, a wellness room, bicycle garage, sometimes a barista service, food places will come in sell items, and a social night twice a month, and heaps of meeting rooms. The dress code is tidy casual, you can wear sneakers and jeans etc. I don't feel any pressure getting dressed for the office.
I got into the graduate role through the internship program held the year before. I went through summer of tech for applications, then did a video interview, an online skills assessment and then a behavioural interview. It was a long but smooth experience with good communication from Xero. For candidates apply to Xero's graduate program specifically - show a willingness to learn, as that is the purpose of the graduate program, for you to learn as much as you can. For anyone applying to Xero (including graduates) - become familiar with what Xero does and why, and gain familiarity with their values. Showing an acute awareness of what Xero does and why as well as demonstrating an understanding of their values (while embodying them as much as you can) will likely get you further through the hiring process than any demonstration of technical prowess.
Pay is good starting but as you progress it's starts to go towards the lower band, compared to the market. We don't get bonuses, rather share allocation. We have generous leave policies, health insurance, a perks app which has food and experiences deals (I got two tickets on the Christchurch gondola for the price of one!), and some random deals around Wellington (subway and pubs etc).
Xero places a large emphasis on learning and upskilling (especially in the graduate program) and provides a training budget for everyone to help them buy resources such as online courses or paying for certification exams in order to support your personal development. In my experience everyone in Xero is also happy to help at anytime and share what they know.
Work Hours
Work Hours
The hours can be flexible, as long as you're getting your work done. I've been able to start later and finish later a few times. We don't need to be working the complete 9-5 every day