Gender Equality at The Warehouse Group

Ensuring we actively work towards closing the gender gap has been a core commitment for us over the years.
We’re incredibly proud that we’ve achieved 100% gender pay equity at a Group level. This was largely the result of our move to agile ways of working across our head office teams in August 2020. This saw a significant shift in traditional senior leadership roles (e.g., GMs, heads of) and moved to a flatter structure focused on each team member’s contribution and capability across their craft, mindset and delivery. As part of this change, a full remuneration review was conducted that saw us realign salaries to market competitive rates across core roles; further, reduce the gender pay gap from 17% to 1.4% (we have since closed this further), and pave a clear path for remuneration reviews that is more tightly linked to personal growth and performance.
As part of this move, we increased women in senior leadership roles by 44% and run several bespoke programmes to encourage women’s ability to thrive in the workplace. This includes ensuring 100% of shortlists for all senior management roles must include at least one woman and running our Lean In the programme, which enables robust discussion that challenges bias through professional and leadership development opportunities and peer-to-peer mentoring.
In addition to supporting our team members to have equal opportunities to leadership roles, fair pay and growth, we also updated our Parental Leave Policy in early 2022. This update tops-up parental leave payments to full pay for the first 6 months of an eligible team member’s leave. This has been a key initiative to support our efforts in gender equality pay as it enables team members to focus on growing their families without the additional financial strain, provides support for an ease-back approach to returning to work, and encourages team members to continue to grow their careers with us.