Updating Results

Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP)

  • 100 - 500 employees

Diversity at Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP)

9.6 rating for Diversity, based on 31 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
Very diverse and welcoming workplace
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2018
I do not know specifics about these things, although based on the diversity of the staff there appears to be a concerted effort to encourage the hiring and integration of diverse peoples.
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
There is no discrimination in the office here and I often see people wearing rainbow lanyards freely around the office. Also there is a range of ethnicity here to, there is an embedded program of social inclusion and integration.
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
Got a good range of diversity within the organisation
Midlevel, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
LXRA is incredibly diverse. They heavily promote women in the workplace and treat everyone as equals regardless of your orientation or ethnicity. As it stands there is a good mix between ethnicity, orientation etc. which prevents even noticing such things. People are people, LXRA sees it this way too.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Feb 2018
We have a dedicated individual who is our diversity and cultural organiser. We active support: Aboriginals Women in transport LGBT Wellbeing Plenty of flexible working arrangements for both men and women International Women's day Low socio-economic communities Parents returning to work The list goes on..
Graduate, Melbourne - 21 Feb 2018
Very diverse work environment.
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Feb 2018
They have an entire department dedicated to diversity.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Feb 2018
From my understanding, the company goes to great lengths to provide and enhance a diverse culture. Recruitment process is completely impartial and there are a wide range of employees from all backgrounds.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Feb 2018
The graduate cohort is very diverse.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Feb 2018
There do not seem to be any biases within the company
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Feb 2018
From what I have seen the company has a great focus on a diverse workplace.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Feb 2018
Lots of these above characteristics do not seem to be a problem at all.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Feb 2018
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
They give them the opportunity to work in the company and help integrate them into a more formal working society. They also promote work placements and at the end of the 3-6 month training the assistance of finding and securing a job whether with the company still or with another company of choice.
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
Recruitment programs and site visit to showcase applicants
Midlevel, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
I believe they have internal programs and goals when it comes to ensuring they hire people from a range of backgrounds, for example a program that gives internships to skilled refugees.
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
LXRA has a strong initiative towards supporting women in the workplace and also specifically towards supporting people form indigenous backgrounds in the workplace.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Feb 2018
We run programs such as Gen44 and Gen8
Graduate, Melbourne - 21 Feb 2018
Runs a program that employs overseas people that are less privileged and would not get the opportunity otherwise.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Feb 2018
Has a wide range of internship programs and special programs to access the graduate program. Is very comprehensive and is taken seriously.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Feb 2018