Updating Results

Department of Health and Aged Care

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Clare Sutterby

My highlights of the program were the people I met throughout my rotation and within my graduate cohort. Through this, I formed a strong network of friends and colleagues (after arriving from Melbourne two years ago knowing very few people!).

I chose the Department of Health for my graduate program as following my studies in the area, I was interested to contribute to and understand Australia’s health policies.

My three rotations were in the Tobacco Control Branch, Budget branch and Office of the Secretary. In the Tobacco Control Branch, I assisted in preparing briefings and correspondence about Australia’s tobacco control measures for international forums. During my time in Budget Branch, I assisted quality-assuring new policy proposals before higher-level clearance and answering Department of Finance enquiries about the proposals. Finally, in the Office of the Secretary, I performed a secretariat function for the Senior Governance Committees, in particular, the Data Governance and Analytics Committee, of which I held primary responsibility.

My highlights of the program were the people I met throughout my rotation and within my graduate cohort. Through this, I formed a strong network of friends and colleagues (after arriving from Melbourne two years ago knowing very few people!).