I have been acting higher duties as a grad, aiming to be an EL1 in 2-3 years. working hard being diligent and open minded is the way to go
Graduate, Canberra - 13 Sep 2024
I am guaranteed an APS 5 role but will consider a higher role later, when possible.
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Sep 2024
I imagine this is the same across the APS. You have to apply for a higher-level position that is open to anyone to apply if you want a promotion.
APS6, Brisbane - 15 Aug 2024
I can progress to an APS6 before I become the EL1. I don't want to be a supervisor though. I wish the pay reflected the hard work of social work.
Graduate, Hobart - 13 Aug 2024
My director was invested in my development so I was quickly recommended for project work in a small initiative. That led to working on a much bigger project, that allowed me to move from an APS5 to APS6 role, as well as provided lots of invaluable experience that has set me up well for future progression. Moving up the ranks within this organisation often requires bulk recruitment rounds for permanent positions and progression is not always guaranteed by strong work performance unfortunately. I had been temporary higher duties for almost 12 months before I secured a permanent at level role in the project team I had been with for over a year.
Graduate in 2021, APS6 since April 2022, Canberra - 12 Aug 2024
I think the opportunities are there but the amount of red tape to get them is a bit much. For example, I've been acting in higher duties for over 6 months, but they can't just promote me permanently without jumping through a lot of hoops. Instead, I was told to apply for external opportunities and if I was rated successful and offered that job, I could then leverage that for the promotion here. Not only does this waste my time, but the other employer's. I feel they need to work on actively recognising skill and knowledge internally.
former graduate. APS employee now, Adelaide - 12 Aug 2024
Opportunities available up to APS6, further than that and there's almost no availability, places decreases the higher you go and most of the time it's a political choice with who receives the offer. Too few opportunities.
APS5, Adelaide - 12 Aug 2024
There are opportunities I just feel like its going to take so long because I am only 22
APS5, acting as 6. Ex-grad, Brisbane - 09 Aug 2024
Very team dependent, mobility is difficult depending on ASL.
APS 5, Brisbane - 08 Aug 2024
Progression differs but it takes 6 months and a portfolio of work to prove capability at a higher level
Graduate, Bunbury - 07 Aug 2024
Volunteering for opportunities when they come up. Be the person who says yes to solving problems, managers notice these people. Find out what skills your employer needs and acquire them. Turn your camera on.
APS6, Wollongong - 07 Aug 2024
Promotion opportunities vary extremely based on what business area you are in and if you are supported by your supervisor and director.
APS5, Canberra - 07 Aug 2024
Haven't had to deal with this yet, but career progression hopefully looks good.
Graduate, Melbourne - 07 Aug 2024
The ladder is there, just got to do the time.
Graduate, Perth - 17 Jul 2024
It is expected that you do higher duties without pay or recognition.
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Jul 2024
The promotion opportunities are there, but to actually get promoted you need to go through a formal application process. Even if you are acting in the higher role (temporary duties), and apply, you can still be rated as unsuitable and not get the job formally - even if you are already doing it.
Acting APS6 (Substantive APS5), Adelaide - 08 Jul 2024
Really excited now I have my foot in the APS door. I have faith in my abilities (vertical movement), and now have plenty of opportunities for horizontal movement.
Graduate, Canberra - 08 Jul 2024
You have to apply alongside everyone else interested in a job at a higher rank to get a promotion; you can't apply directly to be promoted in your current role. Opportunities to do so depend on agency and area budget as well. I do not mind my current rank so am not chafing at the current restraints as some others I know are.
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Jul 2024
It is good that they have acting opportunities, but if you want to progress in your career it is easier if you are physically located in Canberra.
APS5, Sydney - 05 Jul 2024
This one is also a bit of a sore spot for me. I know there are a huge amount of progression opportunities in SA but not so much in my specific area. If I leave to go to another position, there are very few other people training in what I do, so I would be taking a vast amount of knowledge with me and leaving a huge gap. I would rather stay where I am and get my role reclassified but I know that doesn't happen that often.
Completed Graduate Degree, Canberra - 04 Jul 2024