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Mainfreight Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Mainfreight Australia

8.4 rating for Recruitment, based on 23 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Lengthy. Aptitude test. Resume. Phone call. Interview
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Sep 2024
My old branch manager talked for over an hour during the job interview but he was really enthusiastic about his job which made it even more interesting to start at Mainfreight. In terms of the process though, it took about a month between applying for the job to starting at work.
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Sep 2024
I had an interview with the branch manager and then I had to do an assessment
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Sep 2024
Phone interview, 1 on 1 interview, general knowledge test, then final 1 on 1 interview.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Aug 2019
Phone interview, then an in-person interview with the hiring manager, then another interview with the branch manager.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Aug 2019
Test, online interview and interview.
Graduate, Tullamarine - 13 Aug 2019
Initial test, phone interview and in-person interview.
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Aug 2019
Skype interview followed by two in-person interviews for graduates.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Aug 2019
The hiring policy seems a bit too long as the company seeks the perfect candidate however that's not always a bad thing. Sometimes the longevity of the process can cause operational problems. The interview process is a 3 stage process for a grad which includes a numeracy test.
Graduate, Coburg - 26 Jul 2019
Basic interview, no assessments.
Midlevel, Sydney - 26 Jul 2019
3 different interviews one with the graduate manager and two with different branch managers.
Graduate, Melbourne - 24 Jul 2019
1. Phone Interview 2. Face-to-Face interview with HR/Training Team 3. Face-to-Face interview with the actual branch you will work in.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2019
The interviews were really good. The person who interviewed me initially was great to chat with and made me feel included before I was offered the job.
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Jul 2019
A questionnaire which involves maths and English questions. I have an over the phone interview, a face to face interview and then another face to face interview with the branch manager of the branch I applied for.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2019
Very personal, with no group interviews or assessments. Phone interview, then a face to face with Grad Manager, then a final interview with Branch Manager.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2019
Could probably use updating if it's the same as when I joined. I had a phone interview followed by a skype interview which was largely the same questions. Two weeks later I got a call saying I'd progressed to an interview with the manager at the Branch I would be working at if successful. This was more of a formality and it was basically a tour of the site, followed by the "why Mainfreight?" question then an offer.
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Jul 2019
The interview process was great, it wasn't too drawn out which was great!
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2019
I submitted my resume online, within a week I had received a phone call, this was my first interview. At the end of the call, I was invited to a Skype interview. Within another week I had completed this interview and I was later contacted by the state Sales Manager of Western Australia, for a face to face interview. All up the interview process was very prompt and was completed within a month.
Graduate, Perth WA - 22 Jul 2019
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Why do you want to join Mainfreight? Why do you want to join warehousing? Where do you see your career going? What did you study at university? Why did you choose the specific degree that you are doing? Why Mainfreight and not a company such as Linfox or Toll?
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Sep 2024
Why I chose the transport industry. Why Mainfreight. What aspects can I bring to the team.
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Sep 2024
Where do you see your self in 5 years?.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Aug 2019
More casual interview. Where have I worked before?, why this industry?, Why did I choose the company?, What do I like about it?, What I do outside of work? Have I travelled?.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Aug 2019
Strengths, weaknesses, situational decisions and why did you select this company.
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Aug 2019
Questions about the company and culture school results in previous work experience.
Graduate, Coburg - 26 Jul 2019
General behavioural and situational questions.
Midlevel, Sydney - 26 Jul 2019
Work-related, personal life and aspirations.
Graduate, Melbourne - 24 Jul 2019
Previous experience in the workforce? What did I study? What are my hobbies? Why do I want to work for Mainfreight? What do I know about Mainfreight? How do you work under pressure? They also asked some workplace scenario questions and where do I want to be within the next 5 years?.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2019
What I knew about the business and why it appealed to me, how do I face challenges, what are my strengths and weaknesses.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2019
Basic questions for the first interview. The second one was more in-depth, they wanted to get to know me an see if I'd fit in with the culture.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2019
"Why Mainfreight?", "What was the most valuable thing you learned at Uni?", "Do you see a future with this business?". Also, a couple of industry questions to see if I had any general knowledge about third party logistics. Basic things like "What is it?" and "How does it work?".
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Jul 2019
What drew you to Mainfreight? Have you ever had any experience with trucks and freight? Why this industry?
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Jul 2019
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Be your authentic self. Mainfreight allows for personality and there is no need to have a *work persona.
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Sep 2024
Do some background information on Mainfreight on the type of customer's that they hold in warehousing/transport or air/ocean.
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Sep 2024
Do some research about Mainfreight before the interview
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Sep 2024
Be yourself and if you aren't offered a position in a department you like, don't take it because you may be there for a while
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Aug 2019
To understand Mainfreight Pillars.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Aug 2019
Resume and professionalism.
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Aug 2019
Make sure you have examples of cases where you have encountered problems, analysed the problem then explain how you solved them.
Midlevel, Sydney - 26 Jul 2019
Really do your research about Mainfreight so you can understand why it stands out from the rest.
Graduate, Coburg - 26 Jul 2019
Study the company and its culture.
Graduate, Melbourne - 24 Jul 2019
Learn about the founding history of the company and its culture. Know what makes it different from other companies and also what they are doing globally.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2019
Back yourself and trust in your ability.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2019
Present your character. Knowledge is 1% of the interview and the other 99% is the type of person you are. We're looking for people that fit our culture and have a genuine willingness to learn. You need to be 100% prepared to throw on some boots and get into the operation in your first couple of months. Treat this time as a culture test. If you think you're any better than the people you work with on the floor, you're at the wrong company.
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Jul 2019
Just relax and be your amazing self! It is a fun and rewarding experience. Just ask yourself where do you see yourself in 5 years and how do you plan on getting there? How do you deal with a change in those plans? Do you think you are able to sweep floors and clean for the first few months of your career? It is a humbling experience but rewarding when you hear about the founders doing it and BMs still doing it today.
Graduate, Brisbane - 23 Jul 2019
Definitely research about who Mainfreight is and what they do. Know a few dot points about Mainfreight, this will show your interest and that you took time to research about the company.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 23 Jul 2019