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Application Process & Interviews at Iress

8.8 rating for Recruitment, based on 17 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Assessment centre involved building lego with a team to assess teamwork skills. It was very relaxed and light-hearted. Followed by a very causal interview and a job offer the day after the assessment centre.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 May 2020
It was both challenging and fun.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Apr 2020
It was generally a good experience. Three stages, coding challenge, phone interview and on-site assessment centre. Very standard as with all other companies.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Apr 2020
Typical software role interview
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Oct 2017
2 rounds in total. The first round is assessment center, which contains 2 parts. One of them is group communication, while the other one is coding test. The second round is face to face technical interview, including a lot of technical question and some white board coding tests.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2017
Was more like an informal chat. This is the main reason i chose to work here.
Midlevel, Sydney - 02 Mar 2017
The interview process was broken up into two stages, a group interview and a three on one interview (the interviewee being the one). In the group interview, there was a technical component comprising of a coding exercise and debugging exercise; and a teamwork component, comprising of a group activity not unlike those seen in team bonding exercises. The second round interview was a more traditional interview. The interviewers took me into a meeting room, asked me questions about my education, my skills, and what i was looking for in a position.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Mar 2017
Online interview; group interview; technique interview;
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2017
I had a group interview that involved a group exercise and a technical assessment. Followed by an individual interview at a later date. I thought the interview process was handled well, though i didn't like framework that was used for the techincal assessment. It was slow, clunky and didn't provide any form of debug capabilities
Midlevel, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2017
1st round consisted of an online code assessment and team activity at the office. 2nd round consisted of a face to face interview at the office with technical questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Feb 2017
Online application, online coding test, video interview, assessment center, final interview
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2017
There was a group interview, a programming test, and an individual interview.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2017
Interview is very professional, covered technical part , soft skill as well as whether the candidate fits in well with the company's culture
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
Online video, online coding, interviews (group, behavioral, technical)
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
Online coding challenge followed by an on-site assessment centre.
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
Online interview + on-site interview
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
When i interviewed for this job, there were 3 phases: - online codility technical quiz. - on site teamwork exam. - behavioural and technical interview.
Midlevel, Sydney - Invalid Date
There was a two-day assessment centre. The first day was group work and an interview with hr; the second day was technical interview, and two technical leads learned more about my professional background.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
Video interview and online coding test. Onsite technical and behaviour interview.
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
1. Online application 2. Online coding assessment 3. Assessment centre (team exercises + behavioural interview) 4. Technical interview
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Questions about past experiences, volunteer work, situations i have been in where i do not have the expertise, how i would react in certain situations.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 May 2020
Technical, behavioural, agile (team)
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Apr 2020
Questions about my background and my previous work. Technical questions on the theory that should be known. Bridge-building.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Apr 2020
Given some scenario with a critical thinking problem, and the solution will require software concepts, including writing code. Asked about knowledge in web technologies and development, experience in previous roles.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Oct 2017
Coding test included 2 question: 1. Code a small program to achieve the required function (can't remember what's the function) 2. Fix a bug within an existing program with maximal one line change. Face to face interview was mainly about basic programming knowledge and a few algorithm related question. In the end, there were a few intelligence questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2017
Technical questions about how i would approach problems and other informal socialising - how do i spend my free time, what am i interested in, etc
Midlevel, Sydney - 02 Mar 2017
I was asked technical questions (my specific interview having to do with list operations), i was asked questions about my education and my experiences at university, i was asked personal questions, like where i saw myself in the future and what i wanted to achieve, and questions about why i had pursued the company.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Mar 2017
Group work; hr questions; technique questions;
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2017
It was two years ago, so its hard to remember. Some technical questions about c++, some logical problems, questions about uni, my previous course, side projects, etc.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2017
A mix of behavioural and technical questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2017
Standard questions about myself, and about my experience with programming and projects, and software engineering questions, word riddles.
Midlevel, Sydney - Invalid Date
There were 2 different interviews, a behavioural interview and a technical interview. In the behavioural interview, i was asked about how i would act in certain situations which might occur in the workplace. In the technical interview, i was asked general questions about coding, software, and also asked to write some code in the interview.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
How do you know iress? behavior testing, group testing, and technical testing.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
Technical questions ("which sort is the fastest?") + behavioural questions ("what have you done that shows that you have iress's values?") + group interview (building a bridge with lego blocks in a team)
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
What is the most interesting project do you think in iress? what is the major tech stack iress is using?
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
Difficult tasks accomplished, team work, database, data structure, oo concepts, algorithms, etc.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
Technical and behavioral questions.
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
Soft skills: my previous working experience, social activities in uni technical: basic programming questions
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
In the solo interview, i was asked questions pertaining to my experiences at university, my ambitions in the my career, and technical questions aiming to determine my thought processes.
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
When meet with hr, questions are mainly about my soft skills. E. G. Describe the most impressive project you have in the university and why? for technical questions, i was asked about data structure, algorithm, database and multi thread etc.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Make sure in the assessment centre you put yourself out there with the lego building - show off your team working skills.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 May 2020
Personal and group assessment centres are very hard to prepare for and i feel it shouldn't be prepared for at all and should be done based on your true personality and feelings. As such, the full focus should be prepared on the technical component of the interview, such as knowing about networks/databases/concurrency/algorithms/etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Apr 2020
Prepare for basic it questions, algorithms and data structures, be yourself - that should be enough
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Apr 2020
Know your stuff, research software interview questions and how to answer them. Demonstrate your ability to process the question, identify the principles, and think aloud all the way to an appropriate solution. Never stay silent. Prepare to talk about some past situation where you had to tackle a programming issue.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Oct 2017
Calm down, don't be nervous. The questions are not that hard, most of them are quite basic, a very few hard ones may need a few seconds (minutes) to think about, don't panic and you will figure out the answer.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2017
Nothing needs to prepare
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2017
Learn a little about what iress does in the financial industry. All you need to know is what iress does, if you are good at what you do you won't need to do any more prep.
Midlevel, Sydney - 02 Mar 2017
You know everything you're going to need for the technical aspects. Relax, you're not going to come off as "too dumb" for the position. Instead, focus on relaxing, and be yourself. Also, while you need to look smart and presentable, you don't have to dress to the nines (unless that makes you comfortable). A smart business shirt, formal pants and a good pair of shoes are all you need to succeed.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Mar 2017
Probably quite similar to any other company
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Feb 2017
Especially for graduates, while being able to answer questions in interviews is important, having a great attitude and working mentality is a must.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2017
Go through the common technical interview questions for the technical interview, and be confident and considerate in behavioural and group interviews.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
If you are looking for a developer role, ensure you know how to respond to a range of software engineering questions. Also have some questions you would like to ask about the company.
Midlevel, Sydney - Invalid Date
Tips: be confident and relax during the interview. Have a review about all interesting projects and activities you have and match them with both soft skills and technical skills.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
It's not what you know, its about how you get there. As a grad, companies don't necessarily care how much you know, as they do how you go about solving problems. Knowing more about how you failed, and what you learned from it is a better thing to demonstrate than all the things you succeeded at.
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
For the behavioural interview, you can adapt situations which have occurred in the past from university or previous work to answer the questions. For the technical interview, be prepared to answer some general questions about coding.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
Learn some general coding technical skills for the technical interview and do some background research on the company.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
Your regular programming interview preparation will help a lot. Also consider how you can differentiate yourself from other people. I know that can be hard but at least trying to answer that will help a lot in your preparation.
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
During group interview, consider more about other team members' feelings. For example, probably only 3 out of 4 people of a team can get an opportunity to present. Be ready to present, but also be ready to be the one not presenting instead giving the opportunity to others.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date