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Gilbert + Tobin

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Application Process & Interviews at Gilbert + Tobin

8.4 rating for Recruitment, based on 43 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
The best in the industry. The process is though, however, it leads to great people with great personalities beign hired.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Sep 2024
The recruitment process at G+T is intense. We have a full Summer Clerkship program and the recruitment drive commences around June each year. It involves making a written application, psychometric testing, video interviews, Super Saturday assessment centre (panel interview, group assessment and individual assessment), second round interview and various networking events interspersed throughout.
Lawyer, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
Long, as in most top tier law firms
Junior, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
As far as graduate hiring goes, I think it was one of the best and most seamless processes. You are not required to continually come in for interviews. Assuming you pass on the online application, you attend the office for one afternoon which comprises an interview, partner and lawyer panel discussions, office tour and drinks and canapes. It is a friendly process, which was far less daunting then other firms.
Lawyer, Perth - 09 Sep 2024
The interview process was more thorough.
4 PQE, Sydney - 02 Sep 2024
There were a lot of round of interviews and assessments but this meant I was fully informed about the type of organization I was joining and allowed them to get to know me
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Aug 2024
I think it's pretty good - they keep it real and friendly, everyone's input is valued.
Mid-level lawyer, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
The graduate interview process and assessments was intense. Very thorough testing through psychometric testing, group work assessments, and panel interviews.
Mid Lawyer, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
At least for clerkship level, application and interview process was a lot less painful than many other firms. Kept it simple without too much overlapping and interviews were very conversational.
Lawyer, Melbourne - 28 Aug 2024
Long process, very stressful
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
The interview process is very relaxed. Partners are very friendly and welcoming, which makes the interview process very chill and interactive. You will not be asked one of those trick questions, instead the firm is more focused on discovering you and learning if you have a strong character and can be part of the culture.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
The recruitment process for the summer clerkship was very intense and long. It involved up to 3 interviews, psychometric testing and an assessment center. It was a lot more extensive compared to other firms, but ultimately I found this to be beneficial because I felt like I learnt more about G+T, compared to other firms, during the application process.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Nov 2023
The firm shows curiosity in the candidate's passions outside of law, and is quite transparent about life as a graduate/lawyer at the firm throughout the recruitment process. Candidates have opportunities to connect with junior or mid-level lawyers throughout the recruitment process to find out more about the firm and the nature of work undertaken. Everyone involved in the recruitment process are quite receptive to follow-up requests and coffee catch-ups therefore there is plenty of opportunity to discern if the firm is the correct fit for the candidate. The clerkship process, while longer than most other firms, is still quite engaging and allows the candidate to show more of their personality and skills to the firm that would make them a perfect fit.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Nov 2023
Video interview > assessment centre with a group task, individual task, and individual interview > final-round interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Oct 2023
Although the interview process was rigorous it was enjoyable and you really got a sense of the firm and its culture. The interviews were fairly casual which is a good reflection of the firm in general.
Junior Lawyer, Sydney - 26 Oct 2023
Although there are more stages of the interview process compared to other firms (for clerkships), our recruiters are excellent at identifying friendly, enthusiastic, curious individuals who make a great fit within the firm culture.
Graduate, Sydney - 26 Oct 2023
The interview process is good, because G+T puts you in front of a Partner, who are all very pleasant and relatable. That being said, the psychometric assessments employed are, I think, quite arbitrary and of limited utility. For example, I did not pass the psychometric tests during the clerkship phase, and I excel at my job here. So I think standardised psychometric tests could/should be paired back when possible.
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Oct 2023
Interview process is lengthy but needed to get good quality people. there is the submission of your resume, online video then half a day workshop that includes a 30 minute interview and 3 panels where you can ask questions to staff then networking. I think there needs to be a goodbye speech towards the end of the networking as clerk candidates feel awkward leaving and it is a safety issue if clerk candidates leave after 6pm and need to get public transport from the city.
Graduate, Perth - 25 Oct 2023
I enjoyed the extra steps in the clerkship application process - I felt that it let me shame more aspects of my personality that I couldn't do on a piece of paper or in an interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Oct 2023
Interview process was fairly similar to all the other interviews I have gone to.
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Oct 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Tell me about a time you felt challenged in a previous job and how did you overcome it? Why should we hire you over the other candidates we've interviewed this year? What do you want to achieve at G+T?
Lawyer, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
General personality based questions, very 'vibe check' like -e.g. what's an embarrassing situation you were involved in, hobbies. Other more standard questions - subjects from uni, why G+T
Junior, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
What were my interests outside of work and how did I maintain my mental health. What were my favourite units at university and why. What topics or transactions have I been following in the news.
Lawyer, Perth - 09 Sep 2024
Primarily questions about my CV and past experience.
4 PQE, Sydney - 02 Sep 2024
Why I wanted to pursue law Why I wanted to work at G+T specifically I was asked about my life outside of law school and other interests I have - getting to know me as a person
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Aug 2024
Whether I'm a planner or a crammer.
Mid-level lawyer, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
Casual, conversational yet authentic.
Graduate, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
I recall being asked questions about myself and my motivations to become a lawyer, my interest in the firm and interest in types of work.
Mid Lawyer, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
They were a mix about getting to know me (ie experiences, interests, etc.) and a few behavioural, eg dealing with difficult situations in a professional setting, etc.
Lawyer, Melbourne - 28 Aug 2024
Mostly about the things in my CV such as about my work experiences etc. Additionally, you have the opportunity to tell your story and more about yourself.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
Conversational questions about my interests, why I thought the firm would be a good fit for me, and how I would contribute to the firm.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Nov 2023
General questions about why we are interested in G+T and the specific teams we have preference. It was very casual, allowed for general chat and was more of a get-to-know-you.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Oct 2023
About my resume and previous job experience and certain interest areas
Junior Lawyer, Sydney - 26 Oct 2023
Questions I can remember from my interview included: 1) what I like doing outside of work; 2) why I'm interested in this particular (litigation) area of law; and 3) where I see myself in the future.
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Oct 2023
why I want to work at G+T, why I am leaving my old workplace, where do I want to be in the future, what are my interests.
Graduate, Perth - 25 Oct 2023
Questions included: - attention to detail - why I am interested - what would make me a good candidate
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Oct 2023
Why did you study law? Why do you want to work in corporate law? Why do you want to work at this firm in particular? What practice areas are you interested in? Why?
Graduate, Sydney - 21 Sep 2017
Mostly about my past experience
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Sep 2017
A few basic behavioural questions but it was more conversational
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Sep 2017
The questions are not behavioural as at similar firms; discussion mainly around why the candidate chooses to apply for G+T; questions differ from partner to partner, not dictated largely by HR
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Sep 2017
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Read up on the firm online and decide for yourself whether you'd be a great fit. Once you get to interviews, the Knowledge articles section of our website contains the latest information on what our teams are working or concerned about. This is a great way to find out more about a team and give you fuel for question time during an interview.
Lawyer, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
Understand the firm and why this is the one you want to apply for, and generally be yourself and show yourself to be someone who would enjoy being around, and who others would enjoy being around, since ultimately you spend a lot of time with your team, so it's important to feel a sense of comradery. To that end, letting your personality shine and interests outside work.
Junior, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
Be genuine
lawyer, Melbourne - 11 Sep 2024
Take the time to understand where you are applying and their culture. Read their website, look at where their offices are, who are the partners, what are their practice areas.
Lawyer, Perth - 09 Sep 2024
Be genuine in interviews and speak to your strengths.
4 PQE, Sydney - 02 Sep 2024
Really know what makes G+T different and why you want to work here specifically, generic answers will not be sufficient. Thinking about what you want your career to look like and how G+T fits into this, and if you don't know yet, be honest
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Aug 2024
Read the AFR and other business papers.
Mid-level lawyer, Perth - 29 Aug 2024
Be yourself. Ask genuine questions that interest you. It's as much about finding a firm that is the right fit for you as you being the right fit for the job.
Mid Lawyer, Sydney - 28 Aug 2024
Get to know the firm and the type of deals we do - demonstrate a genuine interest. Don't come across as too uptight or overly serious about work.
Lawyer, Melbourne - 28 Aug 2024
You must show that you have a strong character - meaning that you are resilient, can work under pressure, can adopt, team player, and open to feedback.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
Do your research into the areas which you are interested in and/or the firm specializes in, and see if you can reach out to lawyers who work in these areas. This can help you get a better understanding of the firm and areas of interest, which will help you in the application process.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Nov 2023
Do your research into G+T, why you would like to join G+T specifically as a firm and how it is differentiated from others, why you are interested in your practice areas, what the general legal market looks like. Show your interest in innovation and general curiosity - it'll go a long way. And don't be afraid to express your personality!
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Oct 2023
Just to be themselves and prepare lots of questions for the interviewers
Junior Lawyer, Sydney - 26 Oct 2023
Research the company, be yourself, show enthusiasm to learn and develop your skills.
Graduate, Sydney - 26 Oct 2023
Know their application inside out. Know where they're applying to. And know why they're applying to that institution in particular.
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Oct 2023
read the news and be personable.
Graduate, Perth - 25 Oct 2023
Be yourself and be genuine.
Graduate, Sydney - 24 Oct 2023
Think specifically about which practice areas you are interested in. Each firm has its strengths and weaknesses when it comes to practice groups, and each team/practice group within a firm is like its own little business. You should be as concerned about the particular practice groups you are interested in as you are about the overall firm name and culture.
Graduate, Sydney - 21 Sep 2017
Talk to as many of the people as possible - this will give you a true sense of the culture to figure out whether the firm is a good fit for you
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Sep 2017
If you have a unique interest or skill emphasise it
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Sep 2017