There is first a phone interview with HR, then an in person interview with the hiring manager. After that there are a series of online assessments and finally a second in-person interview.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
After being contacted and having a short phone call with someone from recruitment, I proceeded to an interview with two managers. After passing this interview (I heard from them the same day), I had another interview with two technical directors. After being hired I was also required to take a psychometric test.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Long, thorough and in depth.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
I only had 1 interview and got offered the job, very quick
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Very long process. Multiple interviews and tests
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
My process was different to the now graduate process - it was an interview with psychometric testing, I was then invited to the graduate program once I commenced.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Jan 2023
Easy, understandable and efficient.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jan 2023
2 interviews and a case study assessment
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Jan 2023
I was given a series of folders containing information on a business scenario from various perspectives (e.g. financial, HR, marketing) and was told to try and improve upon it.
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Jan 2023
There were 4 interviews with a simple phone interview included. The 2nd and 3rd were focused on technical knowledge while the 4th one focused on the cultural fit
Experienced, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
There were 3 interviews (Phone, 1st Interview, 2nd Interview) then 3/4 tests and a medical (drug test).
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
Interview process went quickly, required to film videos answering questions, prepare presentation for case study followed by interview. Follow up interview then job offer.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
There is a video component where I recorded answers to present questions. About a month later, I was invited to a virtual assessment centre, which involved a case study and interview. For the case study, I had about a bit over an hour to review a variety of documents, including emails, brochures, and customer reviews, and create a 10-minute presentation which included a summary and my recommendations of how the business was going. After the presentation, there was 10 minutes of questions about my presentation, followed by a short break. The case study was realistic, which made it a fun experience, if anything. After coming back, we went on to do the actual interview which was 30-45 minutes. The questions were all quite generic, but the hiring manager showed enthusiasm and curiosity for the things I talked about, which made it a very comfortable interview. The day after, I was invited to complete psychometric and personality testing. A week or so after, I was given a verbal offer and invited to a pre-employment medical check. The process was quite long but overall enjoyable.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Jan 2023