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Dulux Group

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Dulux Group

7.9 rating for Recruitment, based on 16 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
There is first a phone interview with HR, then an in person interview with the hiring manager. After that there are a series of online assessments and finally a second in-person interview.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
After being contacted and having a short phone call with someone from recruitment, I proceeded to an interview with two managers. After passing this interview (I heard from them the same day), I had another interview with two technical directors. After being hired I was also required to take a psychometric test.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Long, thorough and in depth.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
I only had 1 interview and got offered the job, very quick
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Very long process. Multiple interviews and tests
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
My process was different to the now graduate process - it was an interview with psychometric testing, I was then invited to the graduate program once I commenced.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Jan 2023
Easy, understandable and efficient.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jan 2023
2 interviews and a case study assessment
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Jan 2023
I was given a series of folders containing information on a business scenario from various perspectives (e.g. financial, HR, marketing) and was told to try and improve upon it.
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Jan 2023
There were 4 interviews with a simple phone interview included. The 2nd and 3rd were focused on technical knowledge while the 4th one focused on the cultural fit
Experienced, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
There were 3 interviews (Phone, 1st Interview, 2nd Interview) then 3/4 tests and a medical (drug test).
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
Interview process went quickly, required to film videos answering questions, prepare presentation for case study followed by interview. Follow up interview then job offer.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
There is a video component where I recorded answers to present questions. About a month later, I was invited to a virtual assessment centre, which involved a case study and interview. For the case study, I had about a bit over an hour to review a variety of documents, including emails, brochures, and customer reviews, and create a 10-minute presentation which included a summary and my recommendations of how the business was going. After the presentation, there was 10 minutes of questions about my presentation, followed by a short break. The case study was realistic, which made it a fun experience, if anything. After coming back, we went on to do the actual interview which was 30-45 minutes. The questions were all quite generic, but the hiring manager showed enthusiasm and curiosity for the things I talked about, which made it a very comfortable interview. The day after, I was invited to complete psychometric and personality testing. A week or so after, I was given a verbal offer and invited to a pre-employment medical check. The process was quite long but overall enjoyable.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Jan 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Majority of the questions are behavioural in the structure of, tell me about a time when.... There are also competency questions that structured around the STAR approach. For the Graduate Program there is a case interview.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Many STAR questions. Majority about problem solving etc.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Was given a case study based on a real-life business situation then asked questions regarding the case study.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Classic Star questions and scientific polymer questions
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Questions about past experience, ambitions and skills I can translate to current role.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jan 2023
professional experience and how I would resolve issues that I could come across in the work place
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Jan 2023
A couple that I remember were how I handled customer complaints as well as whether or not I'd ever broken company policy.
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Jan 2023
Technology questions and innovative thinking ideas.
Experienced, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
I went for a specific role (IT Project Coordinator) so was asked about my previous job roles, the types of project work I was exposed to, and examples of different scenarios.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
Why DuluxGroup? Tell us about a time you needed to be innovative. Tell us about a time when you overcame a challenge.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Jan 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
I would recommend they do research on DuluxGroup and the role they are applying for. Then my advice would be to prepare a few STAR responses to behavioural questions and know which competencies they demonstrate so you can use multiple examples in your interview instead of repeating one over and over. Also come with questions! This shows you are interested in the position.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Prep your STAR questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Research the companies' values, behaviours, mission and vision prior to the interview.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Prepare classic Star questions and be yourself
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Look at the brands, understand the culture and values
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Jan 2023
Best prepare by being honest, being open about what it is that you want and ask as many questions as you want - people here love to share their thoughts and knowledge.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jan 2023
Be honest about who you are. It's easy to read up on answers managers want and I think these managers are tired of hearing the same answers over and over again. Offering your own sense of uniqueness can help you stand out.
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Jan 2023
Candidates should do more research about what the company does before the interview and know more about the products as well.
Experienced, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
Be sure to do your research on the company, there are many businesses under the DuluxGroup umbrella (As well as Nippon Paint/NIPSEA Group). Like any other interview, come prepared with as many examples as possible e.g. How you work in a team, how you handled conflicting tasks etc.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
Follow STAR structure when answering questions. Don't over think it.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
Take the time to learn about Dulux's organisational structure, culture and values and behaviours.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Jan 2023
Learn about the company values, as they underpin everything in the business. Prepare the usual questions and bring enough breadth to cover a variety of questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Jan 2023