Updating Results

Dulux Group

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Diversity at Dulux Group

7.9 rating for Diversity, based on 15 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
The company has improved their parental leave policy by increasing they Parental leave cover to 20 weeks paid leave and 2 weeks paid for the non-primary career. This also has no restrictions on when it can be taken, so it has become a very inclusive place to work for people starting families. Our department is pretty ethnically diverse and I have not heard of people feeling uncomfortable or discriminated against during hiring.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
The department I work in is very diverse, with many people of different ethnicity, and a balance of genders. There is very few LBGT+ individuals or First Nations peoples, nor is the business ever making an effort to employ more people in this area. In other parts of the business, it is often not very diverse.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Company is very inclusive and fair.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
All good
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
I know that Dulux are currently working on this, we are starting from a good base, and I can see changes being actioned - I look forward to seeing even more being done! For example, we recently updated maternity leave terms.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Jan 2023
Fair & very supportive.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jan 2023
extremely diverse
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Jan 2023
In general, whether intentional or not, I feel that women and minorities have been represented well in various parts of the company. There is lots of flexibility when it comes to maternity leave as well as child care as well. One thing I have noticed is that women seem to make up the vast majority of marketing roles.
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Jan 2023
We have good diversity of people and also respect for women.
Experienced, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
I believe the company is very well diverse. Obviously with Covid there have been some retention issues (specifically in IT) though not enough to raise a problem.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
Being that the industry is dominated by men, Dulux tries to encourage women in construction. Across the business, different functions have different gender and racial makeups, with sales/commercial roles still predominantly held by white men, marketing being more women, IT and finance being more Asian. In terms of recruitment of those with disability, DuluxGroup has partnered with Get Skilled Access to improve recruitment. In the upcoming future, there are plans in place for diversity surveys to evaluate the needs of the employees. The company pays up to 20 weeks of paid parental leave for the primary caregiver, including for adoption or stillbirth. Paid parental leave can be accessed from Day 1 of employment.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Jan 2023
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
The company has a competitive salary package and is accessible by public transportation. I am not aware of specific programs around social mobility.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Give all people a voice.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jan 2023