The company is very sustainability focused and has launched numerous recycling programs such as the 50% recycled plastic pails in our EnvirO2 range and programs like Project Earth. We have also been working on ways to reduce our waste in the lab while maintaining quality standards. There are also many community paint and outreach days throughout the year.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Some parts of the business are very big on reducing their environmental footprint, but the rest of business focuses on safety and pretends it is focusing on sustainability.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
Cant comment on this
Midlevel, Melbourne - 25 Jan 2023
I know of a few projects, but not any in particular.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Jan 2023
I feel its quite good. We have this initiative called Project Kakariki which places workers from various parts of the company together to brainstorm and eventually action plans around sustainability (e.g. improving recyclability of plastic pails).
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Jan 2023
We did really well. We have heaps of projects. E.g. we did donate for the bush fire issue 2019
Experienced, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
Our Graduate cohort kickstarted the Health & Wellbeing initiative for DuluxGroup in 2021 and this has morphed into a Health & Wellbeing Committee which I am fortunate to be part of.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Jan 2023
Paint back, partnership with Surf Life Saving, WGEA, Voluntary Tax Transparency Code
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Jan 2023