The L&D sessions have overall been fine. Some have been much better than others. Certain training I felt was not very useful - especially the resilience one. The public policy session was great. And I really enjoyed the team building one too - this one actually felt the most practical to me as it gave me a better understanding of why team projects often go awry and how to avoid this.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Nov 2023
The training is beneficial for me as it provides me a hands-on experience into my role, for example, working on projects.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Nov 2023
Formal trainings received so far:
White Card
On the job, I have learned a bunch of new software and processes.
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Oct 2023
Structured training as part of the grad program, but less of formal/informal training outside of it
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Oct 2023
We have had a Learning & Development training sessions throughout the grad year, normally at least once a month depending on your skill stream. These have been an excellent way to learn about the theory behind the work we do. I especially enjoy the longer training sessions where we become immersed in topics such as Policy Making, Ethics, Values of the Public Service, and Team building.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Oct 2023
On the job training opportunities for learning are great. In my experience, I have been supported to learn any area or task where I've identified an interest or opportunity.
The formal training as part of the grad program is quite lacking. A lot of the training (e.g., growth mindset, resilience) was quite generic and I don't think has been useful to me. Some of the specific training (e.g., public policy) was good, but there is not a lot of this.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Oct 2023
The VPS has a general L&D program as well as stream specific programs. The stream specific program for me taught the grads about the financial ecosystem of the VPS, including the budget process. The general training program is more generic and teaches about having a growth mindset, stakeholder engagement and teamwork.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Oct 2023
Mix of in-person, hybrid and fully online. In-person has definitely been the best but overall a lot of training covering a number of different areas.
Graduate, Melbourne - 27 Oct 2023
We have had a lot of grad events this year which I have been really happy with.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 Oct 2023
There are plenty of opportunities to request formal training and informal training is also plentiful if you know the right people to ask and have a supportive manager. The skills I've picked up are:
- stakeholder engagement
- contract management
- environmental awareness
- coding in SQL, R and Python
- statistical modelling
Graduate, Melbourne - 24 Oct 2023
Presentation training - really different from any presentation trainings I did before.
White card training - practical training - organized and informative.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Oct 2023
There are many opportunities to learn skills relevant to your role + general skills.
They are supportive for you to enrol in courses to upskill yourself
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Oct 2023
I have been afforded many training opportunities including ongoing work within a procurement project.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Oct 2023
So far most of my training has been informal or learning by doing. I've learned appropriate style for various types of documents and communication, I've learned about where to access the information I need to create resources and answer questions, I've had help building a professional network, and I've steadily improved my writing skills.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Oct 2023
DTP has access to a wide range of training opportunities which are generally well presented. I've recently had environmental management and cost estimation training.
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Oct 2023
Besides the external training I have got to do as a grad in their bespoke grad program. I would liked to have picked up more skills in trainings, since I haven't had that opportunity in my job.
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Oct 2023