My R1 and R2 managers were extremely good. They were excellent mentors and very good at helping me develop my skills and knowledge. Both also gave excellent feedback and were very accessible.
My R3 mentor is extremely accessible, as I meet with him on almost everyday 1:1. He's good at helping guide me with my work and I like speaking with him, but he sometimes misses the mark in making me feel like a member of "a team".
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Nov 2023
I have a wonderful manager where she is always readily to help me whenever I'm stuck during the learning and training process, as well as, answer any questions that I was unsure of.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Nov 2023
The vast majority of managers and directors have been extremely supportive and understanding.
Graduate, Melbourne - 31 Oct 2023
Managers can be extremely hit or miss. I have had some of the best managers I've ever worked with, and conversely some managers where we have not clicked, and I have not got the support I've needed to grow and excel in a role.
In general, despite different leadership styles, most managers I've met are extremely competent, passionate and supportive of team members.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Oct 2023
I have a good manager and director who tries to work with my limitations and aims to be as inclusive as possible. My manager is easy to be contacted by email and we also have semi-regular catch-ups. They provided me with sufficient and useable feedback for moving forward and have been supportive in difficult situations. I like the fact that my manager is not my mentor, the VPS has the executive mentoring program for this.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Oct 2023
My managers are brilliant at leading people and are incredibly knowledgeable about their area of expertise while also being willing to hear the advice I have to share. Often they are very busy though so accessibility can be difficult though they do try to put the time in. They are forthcoming with praise and recognition within team settings and performance feedback is positive.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Oct 2023
My direct managers have been fantastic, really willing to listen and receive feedback. Constantly checking in while giving you the space to work on projects without micro-managing l do feel they allow me to make decisions and act as a sense check.
Graduate, Melbourne - 27 Oct 2023
Managers I have worked under have been nothing less than amazing.
They have all been supportive to me.
Graduate, Melbourne - 25 Oct 2023
All of these are very dependent on the business area and manager (as with most companies I assume). There is an expectation and culture of managers being supportive and good communicators, but that isn't always true in practice.
Graduate, Melbourne - 24 Oct 2023
I extremely love my manager. She is very thoughtful and organized person. I learned a lot from her.
She will have monthly catch up with me to check if I am good with the workload, learning progress and other stuff.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Oct 2023
I am overwhelmed with support from my managers, we have a great working relationship and they regularly give feedback on my performance.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Oct 2023
My managers are very accessible, and they are good mentors, offering constructive feedback and advice and doing so with kindness and consideration. Internal communication, feedback and recognition are all done very casually and conversationally. If I requested a more formal feedback process I have no doubt that they'd be happy to make that happen.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Oct 2023
Just wish they'd work from the office more.
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Oct 2023
Some managers are great, others less so. I think they do pass on tips for me to learn, could be kinder with performance feedback. And I've never got praise or recognition so can't comment.
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Oct 2023