Technical pathway, Military Legal Branch, Defence Legal at Department of Defence
Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Arts, Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
I applied for the Graduate Program because I wanted to contribute to protecting national security and Australia’s humanitarian efforts.
My experience in the Program has been extremely rewarding. I’ve had many networking, personal development and learning opportunities. I’ve worked across multiple legal teams, including employment law, discretionary claims, and international law. These diverse experiences have challenged my skill set.
I was most surprised by how many opportunities graduates are presented with. So far, I’ve attended overnight excursions on military bases across Australia and conferences with International Delegates. This gave me fantastic networking and leadership skills.
The Program helps you begin your professional career with confidence and gives you a breadth of knowledge and understanding of different areas of law.
This experience helped me form better connections in the workplace and learn about areas of Defence Legal that I may not have previously considered. I’ve connected with people that I may not have otherwise met and attended conferences that are usually reserved for senior team members.
I’m fortunate to have worked alongside wonderful mentors who have inspired me to work toward a more senior legal position.
After I complete the Program, I hope to become a Legal Officer in Defence Legal and practise as a Lawyer.
My advice to a future graduate is to take every opportunity and step out of your comfort zone! Try vastly different rotations to get a wide range of knowledge and experience.
I highly recommend this Program to anyone looking to expand their skills and gain opportunities for personal and professional development.
The greatest benefit of the Program is the support you receive and the connections you make.