STEM Cadet Program Armoured Fighting Vehicles Branch, Land Systems Division at Department of Defence
Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering
I applied for the STEM Cadetship Program to experience life beyond university.
I’ve loved my time with the Defence, and have been fortunate to work on an exciting project that’s constantly evolving. I’ve learned so much through this experience and built a strong network across Defence.
I’ve had great insights into a range of engineering principles and the Program provides a safe space to learn, make mistakes, and grow.
It’s been extremely beneficial for my engineering proficiency and has given me the best foundation for my career that I could’ve hoped for. I found it most surprising how self-driven the Program is. It truly is what you make of it.
I want to continue working for the Defence, and constantly evolve my roles and capabilities to push myself further. I’ve already been applying for jobs at the higher APS levels to extend my responsibility and increase my growth potential.
The Program has given me the flexibility to work as much as possible around my university commitments. I would highly recommend this to anyone fortunate enough to receive this opportunity. It truly is what you make of it, the more time you put into it, the more you will get out.