Commercial, Aerospace Combat Systems Branch, Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group, Technical pathway at Department of Defence
Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Government and International Relations
I applied for this role as Defence has locations all over Australia, and I thought this would be an awesome opportunity to see and experience some great places, which it has been!
The Technical pathway’s Commercial Stream gave me experience in procurement and contracting across a wide variety of Defence areas.
My experience in the Grad Program has been really positive. I’ve learned so much and have grown in confidence. This confidence allowed me to apply for and land an APS6 position upon completing the Program. This process has been a challenge, but well worth it.
I was surprised by the number of graduates that remain in Defence. Many of our Senior Leaders started in the Program as a stepping stone. The Program gives you the best possible insight into where a career in Defence can take you. It allows you to meet people and experience things you have never done before.
After completing the Program, I’m now in a permanent role supporting some pretty cool capability. There are so many interesting work areas where I can see myself going next. The Program is a challenge. There will be some stress involved, but the Grad team is really helpful and supportive. The people you meet and the experiences you get are amazing.
I would encourage future graduates to never be afraid to ask for help. You learn so much more if you step forward and it lets people know you’re interested.