Great team, flat structure and everyone is happy to help / listen out
Entry level, Sydney - 13 Jul 2015
In Sydney, the lines that define hierarchy are definitely blurred. Everyone is very approachable. We have several social events together and it helps to know your team better.
Midlevel, Sydney - 13 Jul 2015
Flexible working environment - even as a graduate, we are able to work from home when needed. Hours of week vary depending on workload. At Cisco, it is flexi-desking so you have the opportunity to move around and sit where you feel comfortable. There is a great level of transparency from senior leadership teams. We are encouraged to work collaboratively.
Graduate, St. Leonards - 13 Jul 2015
Culture is open and flat, Anyone, anywhere is available to all people for advice. Large company means that you often don't know people even if they sit on the same floor. Very rewards/financially driven. Big incentives for sales success. I have made some of the best friends in my life from the company.
Experienced, Sydney - 13 Jul 2015
Flatter hierarchy, with an open door policy that involves a lot of team work and cross collaboration with many departments like engineers, product specialists and account managers.
Experienced, Sydney - 13 Jul 2015
Very horizontal. Often socialise with the higher-ups either over video conferencing or locally. Drinks typically involved.
Midlevel, Sydney - 13 Jul 2015
Socializing is very dependent on the age group of the team and members. I feel that there was slightly different code of socilising among the team within service departments. Overall it's great.
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Jul 2015
weekly catch ups with the team Funded by Cisco
Graduate, Sydney - 13 Jul 2015
You are always assured of the support you can get from your fellow colleagues. And a very friendly and happy culture for afterhours activities.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Jul 2015
Cisco has a very positive work culture and a don't say no attitude. All employees are very helpful and will always direct your questions to the right places if they don't know the answer. When you're in the grad program you will work with peers of the same age range and generally have a great working rapport as well as after work drinks etc. on Friday night.
Midlevel, Sydney - 13 Jul 2015
Cisco is a close knit family and everyone helps each other whenever possible. The structure/hierarchy is very relaxed internally; Everyone from an associate to a VP are able to work and socialise with each other as common colleagues. In my particular department, hot seating is used to allow you to promote teamwork. It�s not uncommon to see juniors sitting beside their managers or their manager's manager.
Graduate, Singapore - 13 Jul 2015