Updating Results

Beca New Zealand

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Office & Workplace at Beca New Zealand

7.8 rating for Workplace, based on 112 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
Some offices are nice, others are old and desperately need renovating. People in smaller offices often get forgotten about and less opportunities
Graduate, Christchurch - 27 Jun 2024
We have a good office where I am. We recently did a big office wide switcheroo where everyone moved. I lost my good monitor setup but gained a standing desk so all round not a bad outcome. Dress code is typical for engineers as well as casual friday. Some of us young are starting to push the boat out and wear shorts in the summer and we haven't been told off yet.
Graduate, Christchurch - 25 Jun 2024
Location in the city is undesirable as people get threatened on their way to work. Actual building facilities are good. Dress code is nice as it is reasonably casual but people still look professional.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Jun 2024
Important pretext that our office is due to move in around 6 months. Our office feels spacious and has all the basic trimmings one would expect, however it is starting to feel a little bit tired especially when compared to some of the new buildings coming up in the city. The location, up near K' road is central but has unfortunately been affected by the increase in central city crime, drug and alcohol issues. There have been a few cases of people being put in uncomfortable situations by people with mental health issues or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. People are looking forward to our move down to Wynyard corner. The facilities are well cared for, end of trip facilities include bike parking and electric bike/scooter charging along with showers and a drying room. The office always feels clean and tidy which is a big plus. The dress code is fairly loose, on a regular day I wear chinos or blue jeans and a dress shirt and a sweater with either chelsea boots or Doc martins. On a Friday I wear more casual clothes such as a t-shirt. I have never had anyone mention my clothes.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Jun 2024
formal office dresscode, casual fridays, big office, hotdesking and flexible working arrangements to allow you to work from home
Graduate, Auckland - 05 Nov 2023
The building is old and very unwelcoming
Graduate, Wellington - 01 Nov 2023
Hot desking and facilities are awesome. Location of current office is not but that's changing soon. Great to get to for lots of auckland locations but I have to take two busses to get here vs downtown offices. K road isn't the best street to have nearby but it has its positives as well.
Graduate, Auckland - 31 Oct 2023
Auckland company office is quite spacious. Dress code can range from casual to buisness casual. Location currently is slightly out of the way of normal public transport routes.
Graduate, Auckland - 31 Oct 2023
Office is extremely well equipped with facilities for high staff satisfaction. Plenty of space and nice working/social environments. Location is less nice... the surrounding community has its flaws. Dress code is smart but not at all strict - generally I feel as if you could wear what you want and get away with it.
Graduate, Auckland - 31 Oct 2023
The Auckland Office is ok, I spend quite a bit of time onsite so spend time at site offices more. I am looking forward to Beca moving to the new office space.
Graduate, Auckland - 30 Oct 2023
Dress code is business casual but their is flexibility for most to be their more casual selves
Graduate, Tauranga - 30 Oct 2023
The office space is very nice and provides individuals with the necessary everyday amenities and perks such as the coffee machine. The dress code is business casual which I think that most people appreciate.
Midlevel - 30 Oct 2023
good location. Business casual dress code which is good
Graduate, Auckland - 30 Oct 2023
Auckland office is currently in an odd location but is moving. Facilities are pretty good and dress code is a nice level of formal and casual
Graduate, Auckland - 30 Oct 2023
The office that I work in has good facilities and is a great place to come into. The Dunedin office however is yet to be upgraded and so I personally feel that the office space does not have great facilities. The dress code is semi formal with casual Fridays, I have heard older staff make comments about some grads dressing too casually but have never seen anyone wear something that I would say in inappropriate for work.
Graduate - 30 Oct 2023
great location great space facilities are well maintained
Graduate, christchurch - 30 Oct 2023
They did a recent renovation of the office and made it quite nice. Hot desk seating, which makes it nice to interact with people. A very nice design and color scheme for each floor of the different business lines. Meeting rooms are tidy and clean. The common area could be improved, but it fulfils its purpose. Dress code is just tidy business, but some people come in more casual clothing if they go to site often. Casual fridays
Graduate, Wellington - 30 Oct 2023
My current office is quite old, we are relocating soon to a nicer office. We have a lot of people so it is hard to get to know everyone. End-of-trip facilities (showers, towel service, bike shed, carpark) are all reasonably average. I spend a lot of time outside the office on site. Dress code varies between teams. I wear PPE on site but in the office I would wear smart business (no jeans, no t-shirts, no sneakers, modest, generally smart pants, blouses, blazers or nice jumpers, nice boots or some women wear heels. With the exception of casual Friday, where nice jeans and a nice t-shirt are accepted).
Graduate, Auckland - 30 Oct 2023
The location of the offices are great, we have everything we need to do our jobs well and nice indoor and outdoor spaces. The dress code is smart- casual and more casual on Fridays (i.e. jeans & tee-shirt).
Graduate, Hamilton - 29 Oct 2023
The wellington office is located close to Beehive, it is very central and easy to access. We have all the essentials and really nice view to the harbour. As a consultancy firm I've noticed my team follows the semi-formal professional dress code while having casual/themed fridays to dress funny.
Graduate, Wellington - 29 Oct 2023