Updating Results

Aurecon Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Women in Engineering: Carving out a career as a female in engineering consulting.

Want to learn how to carve out a career as a female engineer? Then you don't want to miss this CareerTalk session!

Renny Chivunga from Aurecon, Jane Waldburger from Aurecon and Marielle Salom from GHD will be joining this webinar to share insight into necessary technical skills, career progression, engineering consulting, advice for female engineers, standing out in an interview and more!

There's also a live Q&A where you will be able to ask everything and anything. 

Ps. We’ll cover a bunch of general topics applicable to all female engineers, not just those interested in engineering consulting 🙌👩

Learn more about Aurecon here 👇

Learn more about GHD here 👇

Say hello! 👋
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GradAustralia
Twitter: twitter.com/Prosple
Instagram: www.instagram.com/prosplecareers
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/gradaustralia/
Tiktok: @gradaustralia

Let us know in the comments, what career talk you'd like next!